Become a Catholic


RCIA for those who are unbaptized, non-Catholic Christians, or uncatechized Catholics (baptized but never raised in the faith), begin the RCIA process this fall.  Due to military deployments and PCS moves, there is not one set “timeline”.  Traditionally, however, most people will be initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil each spring.  Adult Catholics who simply need to receive Confirmation receive that Sacrament in the ordinary course of the year and do not typically attend RCIA.

Your first step if you are interested in finding out more information, is to begin with an inquiry meeting with Eva Warner, our Director of Religious Education.  Please contact her at the parish office for more information.

Fall Dates and Topics for RCIA

RCIA begins with 6:30pm Mass for those who are able to attend, and then each session is taught in the Pastoral Center beginning about 7:15pm.  Sessions are typically 75 minutes.  An inquiry session is in September and then RCIA will begin meeting in October for a few sessions, and then resume after the new year.  The Fall sessions are taught using the Symbolon program for RCIA as a background and introduction.

The Spring Schedule meets more frequently and continues through the Seven Sacraments of the Church, moral theology, and service.

The RCIA program will utilize the Catholic Answer Bible (New American Bible – Revised Edition), with the RCIA curriculum.  Bibles and information will be distributed on the first night.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process in which the Church welcomes adults seeking any of the following sacraments of full communion in the Catholic faith: Baptism, Eucharist, or Confirmation.

RCIA is a process of instruction in which the person seeking initiation into the Church is introduced to the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. RCIA instruction is for non-baptized persons, persons baptized in another Christian faith and baptized Catholics who lack both the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.

Ordinarily, those being initiated into the Catholic Church are received at the Easter Vigil each year.  Due to scheduling conflicts, deployments or underways, we are always flexible to accommodate families as needed.   Please contact us at the parish office.

RCIA- Adapted for Children is for children 7 years of age or older who:

• have not been baptized, OR
• were baptized as infants but never catechized, OR
• were validly baptized, but into a non-Catholic faith community.

The Rite of Christian of Initiation of Adults for Children is a spiritual journey of conversion in which children become full members of the Catholic Church. It follows the stages of RCIA, but in a manner adapted for the understanding and maturation of children ages 7 -17 years.

For more details, contact Eva Warner, Director of Religious Education at 757.480.3433, ext 221.